Saturday, 5 March 2011

Flaws in the Jewel - Challenging the Myths of British India Book Description

About the Book :
Roderick Matthews re-examines British rule in India by concentrating on three central themes: its ability to defray the costs of its own maintenance; its impersonal and institutional qualities that gave it continuity and tenacity; and its commitment to a dual higher purpose – the uplift of the condition of the natives and the playing out of the superior moral character of the Englishman. At first, these ‘virtues’gave the Raj viability, vitality and focus. But over time they also proved to be weaknesses that could not be remedied.
The Flaws in the Jewel shows how the British Raj was never able to overcome, or even properly to acknowledge, its many deficiencies. As a result, British rule developed into an uncomfortable amalgam of imperial economics, military autocracy and unfulfilled liberal aspirations. 

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India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, spanning a period of more than 4000 years, and witnessing the fusion of several customs and traditions, which are reflective of the rich culture and heritage of the Country.

The history of the nation gives a glimpse into the magnanimity of its evolution - from a Country reeling under colonialism, to one of the leading economies in the global scenario within a span of fifty years. More than anything, the nationalistic fervour of the people is the contributing force behind the culmination of such a development. This transformation of the nation instills a sense of national pride in the heart of every Indian within the Country and abroad, and this section is a modest attempt at keeping its flame alive.

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This is because it is the most precise and therefore the suitable language for computer software (a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987)